If your iSolarCloud Sungrow portal is not displaying any data and is offline, follow these easy steps to reconnect it.
Sungrow SH6.0RSStep 2: Load iSolarCloud on Your Mobile Device
Ensure you have downloaded the iSolarCloud app on your phone. Select the 'More' tab to reach the navigation screen shown below.
We are looking to access the WLAN Configuration settings of the inverter so we can program in our new wifi credentials.
Select WLAN Configuration in the list above.
You'll now be shown a QR code scanning screen, which is shown below.
Scan the QR code located on the WIFI MODULE which is labelled so in the photo above.
If the wifi module fails to connect or to load, press the button on the wifi module 3 times in a row to enable local access and then try this step again.
Find your local wifi network in the list shown. Hit the refresh icon if it doesn't appear. Now enter your password.
Voila! Your inverter will now register the new password and come back online.
It will often take 5+ minutes for the data to register on the portal, so please give it some time before repeating the above steps.